It’s never too early to think about Christmas!
If you’re a marketer, that is. As a shopper, you might feel quite differently and there is a time when mentions of Christmas, baubles, carols and mince pies are a definite nono! But for marketers, understanding when the tipping point occurs is critical to a successful in-season campaign.
For marketers, preparing for in-season season Christmas or any other key trading season for their category high. Whilst the can be a year round job because the stakes are so Centre for Retail Research estimates that gift spending was 9% down in 2020, Christmas Season sales were still predicted to be £ 73.5 billion. And assuming we can safely shop in store and meet loved ones this Christmas, spending will most likely be on the rise.
It’s all to play for and we, as shoppers and marketers, tend to focus on what retailers are doing, but in-season is a key trading period for manufacturers across many categories. Music, books, electronics, perfume, jewellery, clothing, alcohol and food all see a sharp increase in spending at Christmas and all need to plan their marketing strategy accordingly.
Download our free guide below to discover tips for successful in season planning and learn more about how we can help.